Tina Mentz
Chief Operating Officer
Tina Mentz is the chief operating office of AAC. She joined AAC in 2014 and brings with her 20 years experience working in the ambulatory healthcare setting. Prior to AAC, Tina served in the roles of executive director of a multi-specialty ambulatory surgery center, administrator of a 40-provider multi-specialty medical group, and director of Billing Operations for a medical billing company. Tina was the founding partner of a healthcare consulting firm and is actively involved in the startup healthcare technology space. She received a BA in English and business from Concordia University.
If there’s an area of the business of healthcare that Tina doesn’t understand, AAC is yet to find it. Credentialling, accreditation, project management, payer negotiations, and the growth opportunities of professionalization are all part of an undeniable passion for constant refinement and growth. Tina has an uncanny ability to understand expert perspective and apply it to new challenges, ensuring AAC continue to navigate towards a better future for itself, its partner practices, and their clients.